Jn 12 : 44-50
Today’s Gospel reinforces that Jesus was the Son of God sent to spread the word of His Father. Jesus, now having overcome death, seems to have a very mild manner about Him as He tells us that the significance of believing in Him and hearing His word really means believing in and hearing the word of the Father. Jesus does not take credit for any of the messages He delivers. Instead, He makes it quite clear that He is simply the messenger for the Father. Furthermore, it is not Jesus who stands to judge those who reject Him, but the Father.
The Gospel shows us by Jesus’ example that we are not expected to come up with anything new or earth moving in order to be disciples of God. Our role is much more ordinary, like that of Jesus, where we are simply to pass on the word of the Father. In order to achieve the Father’s goal of everlasting life, we too, must live by example the teachings of the Father as we were instructed by Jesus. Opportunities present to us each day in which we can exemplify, dialogue, or perhaps even teach the word of God. It is in this way that ordinary people can accomplish great things acting as today’s disciples by practicing and demonstrating belief in God and His Word.
Sue Talocka
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