Saturday, April 17, 2010

Saturday of the Second Week of Easter

When I realized I would be living at Rutgers University starting in the fall of 2009, I was overwhelmed with excitement of living on my own and venturing down my own path of independence. But one month into the move in, it became more and more overbearing the frustration and angst of missing my loving parents and little brother. I tried convincing myself everyday for the next two months that this new lifestyle, this new chapter in my life, would benefit me in the long run of becoming an adult, but yet even my own consciousness could not convince me in the turmoil of it all and I panicked.

So I searched my heart for the One I knew could save me from my fears; I turned to the One who I knew could comfort me in the midst of my transition and that was Jesus. His love and assurance through prayer consoled my saddened heart of being away from home because I knew that even though I was not in my bed at home, eating breakfast with my parents or spending every day with them, I knew my parents and God were with me in spirit supporting me by my side. In a way I was a disciple, lost and terrified in an unfamiliar atmosphere but my faith in Him was strong and saved me. Because something is out of the ordinary, it does not have to mean it is always bad, but can be a blessing in disguise and essentially you do not have to be afraid as long as you believe with your heart and soul in Jesus Christ. Faith will prevail.

Erika Lezama

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