Following instructions from an angel, on a desert route to Gaza, Philip encounters an Ethiopian eunuch reading from Isaiah the prophet regarding one who is led like a sheep to slaughter, never uttering any defense. The eunuch asks Philip to explain , so Philip tells him the gospel story of Jesus which leads the eunuch to believe and to be baptized.
Such an amazing story of faith in the early church surely serves as an example of true believers and disciples who must have ben filled with the Holy Spirit in addition to having been greatly influenced by the zealous followers of Jesus.
Today, however, technological advances and worldliness have made us skeptics and cynics, ever looking for evidence, for proof Doubters rather than believers, I wonder how we will be able to hang onto our faith, a faith that's been sorely shaken by accusations of terrible, sinful actions and horrible neglect by those who would presume to lead . Church leaders, our teachers and role models, unlike the early faithful and martyrs, have gone so far astray, is it any wonder our churches are vacant? Yes, we , people of faith are sinful, materialistic, doubtful. But we are also generous to the poor. give comfort to the sick, and shelter the homeless. We don't ask for much. But how about starting with a quest for strong, Christlike leadership with the hope that we might be strengthened in our pursuit of God, of holiness, and of faith. "Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love. Amen.".
Rose Nickas
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