Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter

John 15: 12-17

Jesus says: “Love one another as I love you.” How does Jesus love us? We only have to look to the Gospels. He provides wine to a wedding party; He heals the blind, the lame, the sick and dying. He gives food to the hungry, living water to all that thirst and then he gives us his Body and Blood, He gives of himself completely, He lays down his life for us. All our needs are taken care of. What an example He gives us. Do we help take care of others' needs? Do we Love as Jesus Loves?

He goes on to say we are no longer slaves we are friends. Slaves do as they are told without understanding, but we are His friends. He has told us everything about Our Father which is – LOVE –This is a unique and personal relationship. It’s a knowing of each other, the good, the bad, the ugly and the beauty in us and we are still loved. We are called to do the same.

In Jesus' day the rabbi didn’t go looking for those to teach, the student would search out the rabbi. But not with Jesus, he calls, chooses us to be his disciples. How great is that, that he would love us so much that He goes in search and calls us by name. What love that is. Now with this love we are to go and bear fruit. Spread that love, unconditional love, the love from Our Father. And Jesus says: “This I command you: love one another.”

Marilyn Harmyk

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