Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Easter

I will probably never be mistaken for an expert in horticulture. I’ve never had a garden and I really have no experience growing any plants, crops or flowers. The few potted plants that sit on the desk in my office have luckily survived as long as they have thanks only to the abundance of sunlight that comes through my office windows and the occasional watering, which is about the extent of my gardening ability.

We often find ourselves just as unsure of how to nurture and grow our spiritual lives as I am clueless about growing plants. But today’s Gospel reading (John 15:1-8) thankfully offers us some good news: just as I can trust in sunlight and a little water to take care of my plants, we too can trust in our Father in Heaven to help us bear fruit.

Jesus tells us that he is the true vine and God is the vine grower, who handles all of the necessary pruning and maintenance so that we, the branches, will continue to grow. Our only job, he adds, is a seemingly simple one: “whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing.”

Of course, as we all know, this simple task can be quite a challenge. By the very nature of our humanity we often turn away from the vine and fall into sin. And when we are separated from the vine, our branches will wither, just as Jesus warns.

We all like to think at times that we are in control of our own lives and that we know what is best for us. But the Gospel shows us that we often must let go and trust that we are not the real experts when it comes to growing the vine and its branches. When we remain true to the Lord and put our faith in his hands, only then will we truly blossom and bear good fruit.

Scott Alessi

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