On this Eve of Pentecost, we celebrate the feast day of Saint Barnabas. He was a just and faithful servant to whom the success of the Gospel was far more important than his own. He willingly sought and sponsored Saint Paul without any thought of seeking a competitive edge. Humility in God’s service brings its own success.Born in Cyprus, Barnabas is numbered among the first of the faithful in Jerusalem. He preached the Gospel in Antioch and, as a companion of Saint Paul, accompanied him on his first journey. He was also present at the Council of Jerusalem. Upon returning to his own country, he continued to spread the Gospel and eventually died there.
Acts 11:21-26; 13:1
He was a good man, filled with the Holy Spirit and faith. (Acts 11:24)
Encouraging, comforting, strengthening God’s people—these are actions of the Holy Spirit, and indeed, Barnabas was the Spirit’s envoy wherever he went. In Antioch, where today’s reading is set, the Spirit gives Barnabas discernment about the situation he has been sent to investigate. When Saul (St. Paul) and Barnabas were chosen and "sent forth" by the Spirit, Barnabas traveled off to exercise his ministry of encouragement in Cyprus and beyond.
Even Barnabas invites each of us to consider our own relationship with the Holy Spirit. "Do I know him and listen for his guidance? Am I letting him transform me into Christ’s image? Am I using the gifts he’s given me for the good of others?"
If you can answer each question with a "yes," Bravo! And if not just yet, don’t give up! As that great encourager, St. Barnabas, would tell you: God wants to fill you with his Spirit. Just ask!
Come Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful. Enkindle within us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and we shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth! Amen.
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