Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Labor Day message from USCCB

"A new social contract for today's 'new things'"

English version here



Inland Amtrak trains new worry for migrants

From The New York Times:

and the front-page news story August 30 here.

What next?

Star-Ledger still drinking Kool-Aid about New Brunswick development

For a New Brunswick resident living in the Unity Square district, it's hard to believe a story like this can get written in 2010:


Note: Chris Paladino: "Solving the social ills of New Brunswick was never our mission."  That's obvious. But let's not call what was done instead "development." It was prettying-up.

This is the blueprint for development. http://hub4sacredheart.org/unitysq_mission.aspx

Stay thirsty my friends.